Let-go of the Old Covenant prophecies given to you.

13 When God speaks of “A new covenant,” He makes the first one obsolete. And whatever is becoming obsolete (out of use, annulled) and growing old is ready to disappear. Hebrews 8:13 AMP.

Hebrews 8:13. He announces the new dispensation to confirm that the old shadow system has been rendered redundant. Mirror Bible

The old covenant of law has a profound influence on the prophecies given to individuals, fellowships, cities, and nations today. These prophecies assert that certain actions will result in specific outcomes from God. Conversely, if there is sin in a person, a city, or a nation, it is believed that God will bring judgment to protect Himself and His chosen people.
I have been prepared to deliver prophetic guidance to individuals with the same approach and mindset.
I want to emphasize that any prophecy that comes with the mindset of “if you do this, God will do good for you in return” is fundamentally flawed. It is based on an old, manipulative, and obsolete covenant law.
The Good News is incredibly simple yet profound in its presentation and reality.

Luke 18:17 ” In fact, this is the very reason why so many struggle to consciously access the dimension of the Kingdom of God! They seemed to be trapped in a religious “adult” mind of performance and self-doubt, having forgotten what it’s like to live in childlike trust and recieve the blessing of the kingdom as efforlessly as breathing!” Mirror Bible
I have carefully listened to all the prophetic words sent to me by different people, most of whom have good intentions. I have been evaluating these words to discern the recurring themes of laws and performance in the prophecies.
Evangelical, Charismatic prophets and their prophetic words often contain a DIY style of prophecies heavily influenced by the law.
I’ve found a way to replace performance-based prophecies with the Gospel’s effortless peace.
Are you tired of constantly striving to measure up to the demands of a particular religion?
Contact me for personalized guidance to help you experience effortless peace, joy, and love.
Remember to visit the “request ministry” page at www.prophetfox.com.