1 Corinthians 1:2: ” I address this writing to the ekklesia of God in Corinth. You have been restored to the harmony of your original design, made holy in Christ Jesus; no wonder that you are surnamed saints. You are associated with all those who have discovered their true identity in Jesus Christ everywhere in every location; he is the head of this union; his name relates us to one another in a global family.” MIRROR BIBLE
Christian theology teaches an us versus them mentality. If you say and do the right things in evangelicalism you are accepted as a follower, a supporter, and a true believer of Christ.
The above scripture is addressed to the church of Corinth. The Mirror Word Bible Study group is currently reading through 1 Corinthians. I have learned that Paul was convinced that all mankind was brought into the Family of God by one man’s sacrifice, Jesus Christ. If you are reading this in any part of this world, know this: You are brought into a relationship with the Father of all through Jesus Christ. He is not our example but the representation of mankind to the Father. Jesus Christ gave us all this amazing gift of His Faith so that we can all live in the love of Elohim as sons of God. He gave us Himself so we can wholeheartedly give ourselves to him and his kingdom to reign on Earth as it is in Heaven.
I am thrilled to invite all who desire to know who you are to contact me. I will urge you to join me in the Zoom meeting on Wednesday nights for the Mirror Bible Study time.
Contact tfox@prophetfox.com