God’s Calling

The Inception of The Parking Lot Prophet

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Bob Jones's impartation:

Bob Jones Impartation:One night at a Bethel Conference, Prophet Bob Jones was there imparting a prophetic word for the house and into many people who were there that night. He asked to lay hands on all (full-time)ministers who would line up in an area in the building to identify their gifts and callings for the Kingdom. A friend and I went to that section as fast as we could walk. After about an hour, Prophet Bob Jones was right before me. He asked me to put my left hand up in front of me, and as I did this, one, then two, then three fingers started to shake, and Bob identified with pinpoint accuracy the Holy Spirit’s Gifts and Callings on my life. The last anointed word was a gift of healing, and Bob said, “I see another Benny Hinn.” I thought, then Bob molded his left hand as if to push into me a ball of fire; Bob said,” Power Anointing”! I hit the floor, reeling from this encounter with the Prophet who prophesied and urged all to “Learn to Love”

Bethel Ministries Experience:
Several years later, I attended another special meeting at Bethel in Redding, CA. Flowing in worship and giving an offering, I was walking back to my seat, and the Powerful Spirit of God almost knocked me to the floor. I grabbed the hand of a friend I knew, who held me up. Jerry spoke to me about a next-level power anointing upon me, as evidenced by this encounter. The Power and Love of God are so real that this Holy Spirit encounter continued. The Holy Spirit gave me the gift of tongues, laughter, and an open eye vision of millions of lights lit in a vast night sky. I heard the Father say,” These lights are millions of souls that will be born into the Kingdom shortly.” At that moment, the Holy Spirit had visited me with power, sight, and glory. He continually manifests in me with Joy, Peace, and His Love.

Prophet Peggy Cole.This wonderful Sister and Prophet operates a worldwide prophetic ministry. I remember she has prayed and prophesied to me concerning God’s Call on my life for Prophetic Ministry many times on the phone and in person. Her heart and love for people are evident in her prophetic words.

Prophet Russ Walden’s Impartation

… 2 Timothy 1:6
Everyone has a need to be enlightened, encouraged, and comforted.

Through an internet search, I met Russ and Kitty Walden Prophets and Founders of Fathers Heart Ministry. The results: since the first prophecy came from the Father through Russ and Kitty Walden, it was unusually accurate and powerfully anointed. These two people have blessed my life and have been used to train further and encourage the Ministry and Prophetic Call to the Father’s Prophetic Ministry. “You received a gift from God when I placed my hands on you [to ordain you]. Now I’m reminding you to fan that gift into flames. …” 2 Timothy 1:6
” It is almost as if God deliberately handpicked the wacky of this world to embarrass the wise, the rejects to put to shame the noble. 28 The ones with no pedigree of any prominence, the “nobodies” in society, attracted God’s initiative to unveil his blueprint opinion to redefine humanity. Thus, he rendered any other social standard entirely irrelevant, redundant, and inappropriate.” I Corinthians 1:27 Mirror Bible.

Tim’s prophetic training for the prophetic stems from several anointed ministries.

  • Kim Clements School of the Prophets.
  • Father’s Heart Ministry Prophetic Track, Office of the Prophet, and Breakthrough Schools.
  • Ministry training for prayer and worship teams at Risen King Community Church, Redding, CA.
  • Doug Addison’s Dream Interpretation Schools and Prophetic Hearing School.

The Parking Lot Prophet’s Ministry goals;

  • Communicate the prophetic gift of Jesus Christ’s mirror image in everyone through revelation, dream interpretations, and words of knowledge. Ephesians 4:11 Mirror Bible.
  • Ephesians 6:19: “My most urgent request is for clarity of utterance every time I open my mouth to speak. I desire that my works will be gifted with inspiration, body articulation, and the mystery of the Gospel. Mirror Bible.