The Ministries offered
“Believe in the Lord and you’re established, believe his prophet and you will prosper.” 2 Chronicles 20:20 “In the same way, the Lord commanded that those who proclaim the gospel should get their living by the gospel.” 1 Corinthians 9:14
The Prophet's Call
The focus of the call is to hear a word from the Father. A suggested gift of $35.00 schedules your Fifteen-minute Prophet’s Call. Appointments are available Monday through Friday Pacific Standard Time. International calls must set up a free Skype account or a Free Conference to retrieve the correct country code and dialing instructions. An mp3 recording of the call will be sent to you within minutes of your life-changing, prophetic call.
Testimonies concerning the Prophets Call Ministry: “ Thank you for your beautiful word. It seemed as if God was laughing at me while I listened to your message as if He was saying to me “did you think I would say something else other than loving him and be patient” from E.
Request your Prophetically MP3 Word.
Your prophetic word is sent to you via email and the MP3 file. A confirmation email for the suggested gift of $35.00 through Paypal is sent to you the same day.
Testimony: “Thank you so much, Tim. We received the word and are enjoying being drunk in the Spirit. My Wife is still reeling.” Glory to God. Be blessed.
The Prophetic Encouragement Session:
This is an intensive hour-long encounter on the phone via Skype with a Prophetic Anointing that can alter your future and give you more direction in the areas of your life that you are stuck in for a suggested gift of $125.00. You will be contacted to reserve a time, date, and choice of communication by phone or Skype call. Please view a time zone converter, as ALL appointments are offered in Pacific Standard Time. The area’s covered in this ministry:
Legal: No substitute for professional, medical, or legal advice. This recording is gifted to you as an intangible religious benefit in appreciation for your gifts. We do not sell or exchange these services for remuneration for Your Gifts.
A Recent Testimony: I had the opportunity to have a meeting with Timothy, and wow, it was unbelievable. The surge and momentum in my life in areas that had been more than challenging and areas that didn’t seem to move in the right direction. He is full of love and knows God and his Word. His ministry has made a difference in my life. K
I felt so good last night after the call! This is big stuff!!! Life-changing stuff that we were discussing!!! I know the Lord will carry me through either way, but it is kind of like going in for surgery – you know you will be taken care of by the best doctors, but you are still anxious about the pain in recovery – if there is any! Thanks again, and God bless you! From C.
Dream Interpretation
Dreams Gods’ hieroglyphics to you. Have you had a dream that you think about and want to know what and who God is speaking about in your life?
Job 33:15-18. ” “In a dream, a vision of the night, When sound sleep falls on men, while they slumber in their beds, then He opens the ears of men and seals their instruction, That He may turn man aside from his conduct, And keep man from pride. He keeps his soul from the pit..” Many inventions were created from the 18th century to the 21st century. The inventor received dreams that gave the information needed to invent the item they had struggled with for a while. This is your invitation to have a dream interpreted with a Prophet’s Biblical Perspective. For a suggested gift of $35.00 per dream, Prophet Fox will send you immediately the dream form for your dream, which will be returned in written form within three days of receiving your dream.
A Prophetic Encouragement in your birth-date
This is a new ministry about by applying the Word of God with the accepted numbers mentioned in the Logos and in Dream Interpretation. “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day, they pour forth speech; night after night, they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard.” So your birthday is known by the Father and explained by the day, month, and year you are born under the times and seasons the Father created. For a suggested gift for this ministry, you will receive a powerful word once I receive your date of birth in your instructions. Then I will return in writing from a Biblical, Prophetic Perspective for a suggested gift of $85.00.
“But he who prophesies speaks edification, exhortation, and comfort to men. He who speaks in a tongue edifies himself, but he who prophesies edifies the church.” I Corinthians 14: 3
The Prophet is In Show on See Audio and Video Page
2 Chron. 20:20 says, “Believe the prophets, and you will prosper”. Jesus said He who receives a Prophet as a Prophet will receive the Prophet Reward.”
LEGAL: This is not a substitute for professional, medical, or legal advice. These recordings and phone sessions are gifted to you as an intangible religious benefit in appreciation for your gifts to bless this ministry. Prophet Fox does not sell or exchange these services for remuneration for your generous biblical gift, monthly or per request. Requests are not turned down.
Testimony “Is such a powerful word and confirmation for me in many ways. I recently started working with a construction company, and the thought of getting back to school for Construction Management, which is not what I have a degree in, has often crossed my mind. Thank you for allowing the Lord to use you to speak and tell me about my name and His love for me. I have been studying more and spending time with the Lord. I am speechless, to be honest. I keep reading this over and over. The Lord knows. Thank you for being a willing vessel. A Testimony from L.